PFLAG Lubbock

Archive for October, 2023

Welcome past and recent members

We are excited to announce that strategic planning is underway to restart the Lubbock Chapter of PFLAG. A special thank you to the hard work and dedication of our past President, Tony Thornton, and at-large board members for stepping up to restart our journey to promote the health and well-being of LGBTQ+, their families, and friends.

Following our last public meeting we have established our next steps:

  • Under the guidance of Tony Thornton and other at-large board members, we are working hard to bring you our new leadership board members.
  • Establishing our monthly public meeting schedule.
  • Continue discussions regarding community service and outreach initiatives.
  • Developing a plan to update our website, newsletter, and social media presence.
  • Promote a renewal campaign for PFLAG Lubbock memberships.